On 2017/11/20 15:59, Frederic Vanden Poel <i...@klinktbeter.be> wrote:
> The Aurender box did not come with bundled source code, or a written
> offer.

That's obviously bad.

> Aurender modified MPD to do SSD caching and include a DSD decoder and never
> gave back their patches to the community (e.g. this mailing list). The never
> gave credit to MPD, but did the opposite by obfuscating the use of MPD as
> they named the player "auplayer".

That part is perfectly ok.  Of course, it would be nice to give credit
to those who actually implemented the player, but it's not required
according to the GPL, and I would not ask anybody to give me credit.
Ok for me.

Also the part that they never "gave back" is ok.  They don't need to.
With GPL, it's the "pull" model - we need to pull code from them.

Yes, I acknowledge your explanations that Aurender is hostile.  They
truly appear to be.  But let's concentrate on the accusations which
will hold in court.

Sure it would be nice to get pull requests from such companies, them
actively giving back to us - that's unicorns and flowers, you know.

> How can such GPL violation be allowed to continue?

I have learned of this copyright violation several years ago, but I
know nobody who owns one, and Aurender was "clever" enough not to make
their firmware download URLs public.

Somebody would need to figure out how their AurenderMediaManager
obtains firmware images.  Or just make somebody lend me his Aurender
product containing MPD.

> It goes even further, as Aurender is now including the proprietary
> MQA format into their products, a format which is very bad for open
> source projects, as MQA basically took a flac container to include
> non-nyquist data embedded under the noise floor, which contains
> crypto DRM'ed audio. This can't be good for music and open source:

If it uses a GPL compatible decoder library, that's ok.  But I doubt
such one exists, so this may open a huge hole for more legal shit for

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