On 2018/02/06 21:07, Max Kellermann <m...@musicpd.org> wrote:
> On 2018/02/06 20:53, Max Kellermann <m...@blarg.de> wrote:
> > On 2018/02/06 20:44, Billy Wright <bi...@caryaudio.com> wrote:
> > > Attached is a file of the MPD source code.
> > 
> > This is not the full source code of the MPD binary which is
> > distributed in your firmware image.  That is really trivial to see.
> > Your tarball fails even the most basic test.
> ... and it doesn't even compile, so it doesn't qualify as
> "machine-readable" as required by the GPLv2.

Today is February 10th, and I set you a deadline until the day before
yesterday.  What you delivered so far is a ridiculous attempt to sweep
the problem under the carpet.  Your engineers didn't even try (or your
engineers are horribly incompetent).

Your commercial product is based on my copyrighted work and you did
not have my permission to sell it.  This problem is not going away so

You have two problems that need to be addressed:

1.) Your license to use MPD according to the GPLv2 is terminated by
    your copyright violation.  The only way to reissue a GPLv2 license
    to use MPD is to obtain forgiveness from all copyright holders.
    That's how GPLv2 works.

    (You can choose to use GPLv3 instead, which has an automatic way
    to recover from license termination, but has other implications.
    Ask your lawyer to explain it to you.)

    Another option for this problem would be to stop using MPD
    completely.  But none of this problems problem 2:

2.) Even if you would produce a GPLv2-compliant firmware now, that
    doesn't change the fact that you have been selling products based
    on my copyrighted work without my permission.  You made money by
    pirating other people's software.  What a nefarious business
    model!  I have not heard any suggestion from you how you consider
    repairing that damage you have caused.

So here's my plan:

1.) I will publish news about your copyright violation on the MPD
    website and declare your license to use MPD terminated.

2.) I will drop a note to your distributors and ask them to stop
    selling products violating my copyright.  As soon as they know,
    they can be made liable.

3.) I will consult a lawyer, and he will instruct me about further

You're the one who can stop this.  So far, your words sounded like you
want to stop it, but your actions said the opposite.

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