On 2018/02/10 15:57, Billy Wright <bi...@caryaudio.com> wrote:
> I am taking this issue very seriously. Our software guys have been working on 
> this since we became aware of the issue. They tell me it will take until the 
> end of the month to complete and test. I will send you confirmation 
> immediately.

Your software guys have been working on finding the source code?  And
they will suddenly find it at the end of the month?

The file you sent to me was heavily redacted.  Your software guys had
been very busy deleting the interesting parts.  But the GPL doesn't
work that way.  Your software guys have been doing all wrong.

Your failure to deliver the full source code is an ongoing violation
of my copyright.  Deleting stuff from your code isn't going to fix
that.  Only sending the full source code of the binary you shipped is
going to fix that.

Again, just in case you still don't understand: even if you one day
ship a firmware image with GPL compliance, that's not a solution for
my source code request.

Again, once again: your license to use MPD is terminated.  You have
three options:

1. seek forgiveness from all MPD copyright holders to reinstate the

2. choose the GPLv3 instead which allows reinstating the licesen
   without explicit forgiveness (beware of the other implications!)

3. stop using MPD at all

But again again again: that doesn't affect my source code request.
Unredacted, nothing deleted.  That is what the GPL mandates.  Nothing

I hate repeating myself and this is really annoying, but I have a
feeling that you still don't know how deep your hole is, and how
incompetent your software guys are.
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