On 2018/03/04 13:34, Max Kellermann <m...@musicpd.org> wrote:
> On 2018/03/01 16:48, Billy Wright <bi...@caryaudio.com> wrote:
> > Attached is the MPD open source code of the DMS-500 in accordance with 
> > conditions of the GPL v2.
> Imported to GitHub: 
> https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/commit/f4c2fa881b7e506abab1a1255682e0549a93b15b

Note that this is based on commit
250b6a3d521523617ea654d66a5156faa64f6f28 authored by me on February

Cary Audio learned about their license termination one week prior to
this (January 25th).

At the time their binaries in question were built, the source code
Billy Wright just gave me didn't yet exist.  This has interesting
implications: Cary Audio indeed did continue to use MPD even after I
terminated their license.

For some time I thought Cary Audio would create a new firmware version
completely without MPD, because the license is terminated.  But it
looks like that's not what they're doing.  They are just going on with
business as if nothing happened, and send this Billy Wright drone to
distract me with his lies and bullshit.

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