On Oct 31, 6:06 pm, "Jason Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All,

Hi Jason,

> Well, I'm now comfortable with writing 64-bit assembly code for
> Windows (a side effect of NIST specifying Windows Vista as the
> benchmark platform for the hashing competition).

Interesting to say the least.

>  So, *if* there is
> sufficient interest, I'd be willing to look at merging the separate
> Windows vs. *nix x86_64 code into one file.  This would require
> passing a parameter to the Yasm command lines to indicate the OS.  Is
> this a worthwhile pursuit or is there something else more pressing at
> the moment?

For me the highest priority item is the Moller's gcd code which has
already been merged. What is the status of the code, i.e. performance,
any known bugs, etc?

> --jason



> Jason Worth Martin
> Asst. Professor of Mathematicshttp://www.math.jmu.edu/~martin
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