On Sunday 04 January 2009 01:56:15 mabshoff wrote:
> On Jan 3, 5:20 pm, mabshoff <michael.absh...@mathematik.uni-
> dortmund.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> <SNIP>
> > I am now running some larger examples to see if anything pops up.
> Oops, I nearly too sage.math down with a 189GB job (not a typo) when
> running this:
>    time len([a for a in srange(10*10) if not (-a^3).is_perfect_power
> ()])
> This might have been a little more ambitious than it should have
> been :). But so far things seems to be correct:
> sage: time [a for a in srange(10000000) if not (-a^3).is_perfect_power
> ()]
> CPU times: user 32.82 s, sys: 1.54 s, total: 34.36 s
> Wall time: 34.36 s
> []
> sage: get_memory_usage()-924.69140625
> 544.187500000000
> So while the results are correct we either have an unfixed memory leak
> either in Sage and/or eMPIRe. I have planned to do some valgrinding on
> eMPIRe as well as Sage+eMPIRe, so hopefully I will have something by
> tomorrow.

there was more than one type of error in the old perfpower
at least these two are different errors

this from t-perfpower.c 
  /* check (-1)^i.2^a.3^b.5^c.x^d where x is big , big is > 1100  */   
  /* picked up one error picked up another error
     want a good selection of powers to try all possibilitys

> > Cheers,
> >
> > Michael
> Cheers,
> Michael

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