
On Feb 4, 12:25 am, Bill Hart <> wrote:
> I have placed a tarball here:

Some quick observations -

1. It looks like you have to build in the source tree.  Many software
packages let you have an object directory separate from the source
directory.  This is useful for networks with lots of different
architectures hanging on them.  You only need one copy of the source

2. The built include and library files are gmp.h, libgmp.a, etc.
Shouldn't they be mpir.h, libmpir.a?  Leaving the names as gmp.h,
libgmp.a may discourage system dministrators from overwriting the
system gmp.h, libgmp.a from GNU gmp. I can see that you may need an
option for symbolic links (gmp.h -> mpir.h, etc) for legacy software
that expects (gmp.h, libgmp.a).  But surely you want to encourage
projects to transition to MPIR (and not remain with GMP).

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