On Tuesday 17 February 2009 18:12:26 Gonzalo Tornaria wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:14 AM,  <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> > I thought
> > svn merge trunk/ branch/ .
> I think you want
> svn merge branch trunk
> (merges branch into trunk, i.e. AT&T style, rather than intel style ;-)


/mpir/branches/K8-experimental# svn update
At revision 1612.
/mpir/branches/K8-experimental# svn status
/mpir/branches/K8-experimental# cd ..
/mpir/branches# cd ..
/mpir# cd trunk/
/mpir/trunk# svn update
At revision 1612.
/mpir/trunk# svn status
/mpir/trunk# svn merge ../branches/K8-experimental/ ../trunk/
svn: A working copy merge source needs an explicit revision

so should I use 

svn merge ../branches/K8-experimental/@1612 ../trunk/@1612


svn merge ../branches/K8-experimental/@1499 ../trunk/@1499

where 1499 is the rev where we branched


> Or else:
> cd trunk   # location of your trunk co -- SHOULD BE CLEAN
> svn merge http://blablabla/.../branch .
> if using svn 1.5 (both server & all clients) this will actually track
> the changes that have been merged and the changes that haven't been
> merged, etc. (the point is you don't need a local copy of branch)
> The merge only affects the working copy --- won't get to the repo
> until you commit, so it can (should) be compiled and tested, I
> guess...
> Gonzalo

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