On Saturday 14 March 2009 15:04:09 Bill Hart wrote:
> On 14/03/2009, Jason Moxham <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 14 March 2009 13:46:51 Bill Hart wrote:
> >> I've been working on converting Paul Zimmermann's implementation of
> >> the Bodrato-Zanoni Toom-4 algorithm to the mpn_level.
> >>
> >> I've uploaded the current code to the files section. I'm pretty much
> >> just going to convert the relevant functions from FLINT's fmpz module
> >> (in the file fmpz.c - also uploaded) into tc4_blah functions as
> >> required, much as I have done with fmpz_add->tc4_add.
> >>
> >> I thought I would upload it in case anyone felt like working on it
> >> today, as I will not be able to work on it for most of the rest of the
> >> day.
> >
> > When are we releasing MPIR 1.0.0 ?
> It's always better to release on a weekday, thus I plan to update
> documentation tomorrow and release Monday morning. Feel free to do the
> docs and tarball for a release candidate while I am away today, but
> don't forget to touch .c and .h files in demos/calc and remove .svn
> dirs. Actually there is a script in my sage.math home directory called
> makempir.

make dist nearly works , I'll see if I can get it to go

> >> The tc4_addlsh1 function has no analogue in FLINT. I think in every
> >> case it is used in Toom-4 it only deals with unsigned integers, which
> >> makes it easier to implement.
> >
> > Is this the usual mpn_addlsh_1 ?
> Not quite. It must also deal with operands of different lengths.
> >> Also, the mpn_divexacts, by 12, 18, 30, etc could probably be done
> >> efficiently in assembly.
> >>
> >> for example div_exact by 30 is just mul by (2^B - 1)/15, then divide
> >> by (2^B - 1) and shift right by 1.
> >
> > I allready have divexact by any factor of 2^B-1 , runs at 2.2c/l on K8 ,
> > just
> > have to squeeze some shifts in too, or somehow combine it with the mul
> Cool!
> >> Paul's original implementation is here:
> >>
> >> http://www.loria.fr/~zimmerma/software/toom4.c
> >>
> >> Note it is LGPL v2+. Thanks Paul!!
> >>
> >> I now believe a very efficient implementation of this could make quite
> >> a difference.
> >
> > Nice one :)
> >
> >> Bill.

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