On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:38 AM, dmharvey <dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have made a basic spkg for GMP 4.3.0:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/dmharvey/gmp-4.3.0.spkg
> I've only tested on a linux opteron system. It builds fine; there are
> various doctest failures that look related to non-canonical XGCD
> output. Quite possibly it won't yet even build on other sage-supported
> systems.
> To try it out, you will need to remove SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/gmp-
> mpir*.spkg and replace it with the above file, before starting the
> build. (I'm not sure if you can install it into an existing sage
> build.) You will also need to replace ecm-6.2.1.p0.spkg with
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/dmharvey/ecm-6.2.2.spkg
> (Note that this spkg has a hack in the configure script to make it not
> get confused about different version numbers ("4.3" vs "4.3.0") in
> gmp.h and libgmp. Hopefully this will be unnecessary in the next
> release of GMP-ECM.)
> GMP 4.3.0 has a lot of nice speedups. One of my favourites is the
> asymptotically improved XGCD implementation, for example (2.6 GHz
> opteron):
> ========== vanilla sage 3.4:
> sage: p = 2^2976221 - 1    # nice big mersenne prime
> sage: x = Integers(p).random_element()
> sage: time y = 1/x
> CPU times: user 43.19 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 43.21 s
> Wall time: 43.21 s
> ========== Magma V2.15-1:
>> p := 2^2976221 - 1;
>> x := Integers(p) ! Random(p);
>> time y := 1/x;
> Time: 3.590
> ========== Mathematica 6.0:
> In[1]:= p = 2^2976221 - 1;
> In[2]:= x = RandomInteger[p];
> In[3]:= Timing[y = PowerMod[x, -1, p];]
> Out[3]= {2.02, Null}
> ========== sage 3.4 with GMP 4.3.0:
> sage: p = 2^2976221 - 1
> sage: x = Integers(p).random_element()
> sage: time y = 1/x
> CPU times: user 1.45 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 1.46 s
> Wall time: 1.46 s
> Recently Sage switched from GMP to the MPIR fork. I make no secret of
> the fact that I disagree with this decision, although I did initially
> support MPIR.

I just want to remind people that there is a lot more to take into
account when choosing
a library than just cherry picked benchmarks:

    * a wide range of benchmarks
    * support for an important range of platforms and operating systems
    * the development process
    * short and longterm goals
    * talent of developers involved
    * license
    * copyright assignment requirements
    * potential for financial support

 -- William

> I hope that Sage can figure out some way to incorporate
> the improvements in GMP 4.3.0 (as competing systems like Mathematica,
> Maple and Magma will soon surely do).
> david
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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