I have now created an mpir-1.2 branch, which will, as usual, contain
any further updates to the mpir-1.2.x series and I have created
branches/mpir-mt, branches/mpir-cuda and branches/mpir-cell for
development of code which allows MPIR to run multithreaded (OpenMP),
on NVIDIA CUDA and on the Cell architecture.

At the moment these extra three branches are just exact copies of
mpir-1.2 (the released version), but they are intended to be used to
try out ideas for the three different brands of parallel code. They
are experimental branches at this point, so no worries screwing
anything up.

Ordinary single core development of MPIR will continue in trunk. Let's
just commit all changes to trunk for now and we'll just see how things
develop. I think the next release should be more incremental than past
ones, just fix some build issues and merge Robert Gerbicz' code, get
the new benchmark sorted out, maybe improve things on Windows a
little. We'll call that release 1.2.1.

No one is working on 1.3 code right now that I can see, so no danger
of just committing 1.2.1 stuff only to trunk (which will make Brian
happy :-)).

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