I'd like to draw attention to David Harvey's new middle product
algorithm, which was announced on the GMP development list:


His substantial paper on the subject is linked from his website:


Notice also the code available on his website, the majority of which
we can use. The one part I see on a cursory examination, which we
cannot use is the midmul_basecase.asm, but it looks like it relies on
mul_2 and addmul_2, which we already have tuned relatively optimally.

Jason Moxham, are you interested at all in putting together a
mulmid_basecase.as for K8 that we can use, given the
mpn_mulmid_basecase.c implementation that is already there? Cycles per
limb are listed in David's paper?

The main important application for us would be speeding up division -
by a considerable factor it seems.


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