On Aug 12, 5:21 pm, jason <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> There is also the ansi to K&R conversion , no-one uses a K&R C
> compiler nowadays ? , I never have and I starting using C in 94(16bit
> DOS...yuck) , I propose we remove it .
> As only William has responded so far to this thread , I assume
> everyone else either doesn't care or agrees with me :) Hooray :) , or
> at least doesn't care enough to email. :)
> Jason
> On Aug 10, 2:27 pm, Jason Moxham <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> > And also this c++ function is obsolete
> > gmp_randclass::gmp_randclass()
> > We also have this old stuff in mpir.h
> > /* Source-level compatibility with GMP 2 and earlier. */
> > #define mpn_divmod(qp,np,nsize,dp,dsize) \
> >   mpn_divrem (qp, __GMP_CAST (mp_size_t, 0), np, nsize, dp, dsize)
> > /* Source-level compatibility with GMP 1.  */
> > #define mpz_mdiv        mpz_fdiv_q
> > #define mpz_mdivmod     mpz_fdiv_qr
> > #define mpz_mmod        mpz_fdiv_r
> > #define mpz_mdiv_ui     mpz_fdiv_q_ui
> > #define mpz_mdivmod_ui(q,r,n,d) \
> >   (((r) == 0) ? mpz_fdiv_q_ui (q,n,d) : mpz_fdiv_qr_ui (q,r,n,d))
> > #define mpz_mmod_ui(r,n,d) \
> >   (((r) == 0) ? mpz_fdiv_ui (n,d) : mpz_fdiv_r_ui (r,n,d))
> > /* Useful synonyms, but not quite compatible with GMP 1.  */
> > #define mpz_div         mpz_fdiv_q
> > #define mpz_divmod      mpz_fdiv_qr
> > #define mpz_div_ui      mpz_fdiv_q_ui
> > #define mpz_divmod_ui   mpz_fdiv_qr_ui
> > #define mpz_div_2exp    mpz_fdiv_q_2exp
> > #define mpz_mod_2exp    mpz_fdiv_r_2exp
> > Note : we are not and never have been binary compatible with gmp version 1 
> > and
> > 2 , so anyone wanting gmp 1 compatibility has to recompile anyway , so they
> > can add the above defines to their code.
> > While we are at it lets drop bsdmp , which is the multiprecision library mp 
> > ,
> > ie the unix standard BEFORE gmp existed.
> > On Saturday 08 August 2009 20:32:02 William Stein wrote:> On Sat, Aug 8, 
> > 2009 at 12:20 PM, Jason Moxham
> > <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > I propose we remove the following functions
> > > > These were declared obsolete sometime in 2000-2002
> > > > void mpz_random (mpz_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE)
> > > > void mpz_random2 (mpz_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE)
> > > > These were declared obsolete in Apr 2000-2002
> > > > mp_limb_t mpn_divrem (mp_limb_t *R1P, mp_size_t QXN,
> > > >          mp_limb_t *RS2P, mp_size_t RS2N, const mp_limb_t *S3P,
> > > >          mp_size_t S3N)
> > > >  mp_limb_t mpn_divmod (mp_limb_t *R1P, mp_limb_t *RS2P,
> > > >          mp_size_t RS2N, const mp_limb_t *S3P, mp_size_t S3N)
> > > > This was declared obsolete in Nov 2001
> > > > void gmp_randinit (gmp_randstate_t STATE,gmp_randalg_t ALG, ...)
> > > > I think the functions below should be declared obsolete
> > > > This is dangerous function
> > > > void mpz_array_init (mpz_t INTEGER_ARRAY, size_t
> > > >          ARRAY_SIZE, mp_size_t FIXED_NUM_BITS)
> > > > in that anyone using it has to make assumptions about how we have
> > > > implemented
> > > > the mpz functions using its variables.We are not likely to break the
> > > > assumptions, they are reasonable. We could perhaps provide a completely
> > > > safe
> > > > alternative.
> > > > int mpz_probab_prime_p (mpz_t N, int REPS)
> > > > is mathematical rubbish , the random numbers used are the same for each
> > > > invocation. We should replace this with a robust alternative that (at
> > > > least)
> > > > accepts a "gmp_randstate_t"
> > > > void mpz_nextprime (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
> > > > Bad choice of names , we should rename it mpz_next_probab_prime(...)
> > > > The mpf layer , as its full of bugs,untested code and bad definitions. 
> > > > It
> > > > consumes our time and effort and offers nothing in return.
> > > > Jason
> > > FWIW, in Sage of everything above we only "use" mpz_probab_prime_p and
> > > mpz_nextprime.   However, these are only used in
> > > devel/sage/sage/ext/gmp.pxi,
> > > which defines a few functions that are not used anywhere else in Sage,
> > > hence could be safely be deleted.
> > >  -- William

Hi Jason

I certainly wont miss the K & R stuff and I don't see anything in what
you have proposed that worries me.


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