On Jan 14, 4:52 am, Case Vanhorsen <cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I believe I've managed to get a working release candidate (rc5)
> > together, and it is up on the website now for testing.
> > This version is actually a candidate for release, as it fixes all the
> > remaining tickets which needed to be fixed for the release. About the
> > only thing which needs to be done for a final release is change the
> > date of the actual release in the NEWS file and perhaps some other
> > minor bits of paperwork!
> > Thus, we can begin full testing both on linux and on Windows. I
> > believe the @MKDIR_P@ issue is also gone, so make install should also
> > work now.
> "make install" does work properly on a clean Linux build. That's fixed.
> When building on Windows 7 x64 using the SDK and the command line
> tools, "make check" fails. I see the following error in the output:
> Build started: Project: mpn.invert, Configuration: Release|x64
> Compiling...
> t-invert.c
> c1 : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file:
> '..\..\..\tests\mpn\t-invert.c': No such file or directory
> Build log was saved at
> "file://c:\src\mpir-1.3.0\build.vc9\mpir-tests\mpn.invert\x64\Release\BuildLog.htm"
> mpn.invert - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> The file "t-invert-c" doesn't appear to be present in the rc5 tar file
> but it is present in the SVN trunk.
> I'll continue with the rest of my testing.

Hi Case

Have you looked at the memory allocation behavoiur since I switched on
alloca on Windows?

Also have you been able to run your speed tests against the Windows
x64 versions of GMP and MPIR?

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