Hello, William.

> In Sage we (=mostly Gonzalo Tornaria) spent an enormous amount of time
> writing two very efficient C functions, one to convert from mpz to
> Python ints, and one to convert back.   Yes, writing this code is a
> lot of work.  But no, the resulting code is not slow.  Just because
> something is hard doesn't mean "we can't do it".
> If you want this code, I bet Gonzalo would be OK with letting you have
> it under another license (it's GPL v2+ right now); it's not long, just
> tricky to write.

That  would  be  nice.  Currently X-MPIR is licensed under LGPL, but I
think  that  the  same  automatic codegen technology may be applied to
other  projects  under  different  licenses. So having this code under
something BSD-like would be important step in Python support.

> GMP/MPIR blow native python ints out of the water for asymptotically
> large input.    Already with 4 words the difference starts to get
> noticeable.

I  knew  that with large inputs difference must be significant. Python
isn't  high  performance  computing  language (yet). It is surprising,
however,  that  difference  is  noticeable  with  inputs as small as 4

With best regards,
 Sergey                          mailto:sergey.bochka...@alglib.net

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