On May 28, 5:59 pm, "Chris Saunders" <e...@mountaincable.net> wrote:
> I know very little about the workings of Visual Studio(any version) but want
> to suggest that a meaningful error message would be useful in this
> circumstance.  The "readme.txt" file in the "build.vc10" directory seems
> much improved and perhaps this potential problem could be mentioned there if
> an error message when building could not be output.

The error messages are determined by the IDE (although I iamagine that
more could be done in the command line driver).

In fact I am unclear what will now happen in Express. In Visual Studio
an attempt to build an x64 version for win32 will now be silently
replaced as an x64 build.

But since 2010 Express cannot yet build in x64 mode, I imagine nothing
will happen.  Its possible that, when using the SVN repository version
of MPIR, VC++ 2010 Express won't now load the x64 projects.


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