Just a quick check in from me.

I am indeed still working on this. Work has been suspended slightly
because I set up a company and am just finishing with a client project
(gotta fund myself somehow). However, the upside is I've written a
python script to automate quite a bit of the process of writing a django
app (because nothing's worse than writing the same thing over and over
again inserting different variable names). So fingers crossed it
shouldn't take me too much longer. Next few weeks, I promise and
something more will be working.

Now, I'm a programmer, not a website designer, which means whenever I go
near CSS I produce ugly websites no matter how hard I try, so if anyone
has a taste for design or wants to explore their creative side, say hi
now. Or, if you're a django whiz, say hi now also. I'm not fussy.

Disclaimer: the following will be bsd-licensed and/or relate to bsdnt

In other news - I've been trying to get around how to parallelise
operations in bsdnt - it seems I'm trying to solve a very hard problem
however in parellelising the core functions which are already very
efficient if implemented from scratch in assembly and performing at a
level comparable to existing bignum libraries. Bill suggested actually
what might be better is to write vector functions where one passes an
array of arbitrary precision numbers to a operation function and it does
all of them at once.

This is actually relatively trivial to do. Based on mpir (any
contribution I make is bsd-licensed or gplv2, take your pick) one could
do this:

int mpz_mul_vec(mpz_ptr* w, mpz_srcptr* u, mpz_srcptr v, const int dim)
        int i = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel for shared w,u,v
        for ( i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
                mpz_mul(w[i], u[i], v[i]);
        return 0;

Basically openmp would then break this down into pthread_create function
calls (try the ldd trace on any program not linking to pthreads and
you'll find pthreads linked in...) or CreateThread() on Windows. Compile
with -fopenmp on gcc/clang and whatever it is with msvc (not sure but I
know it is there).

Disclaimer - not tested (yet).

The same format happens for all functions you want to parallelise or
happen in "vector" format - add, sub, whatever.

You could go further and detect the number of cpus present / number of
threads requested and divide dim by that and have two loops, such that
you stick to the "optimum" number of threads per cpu rather than going
all-out parallel and getting nowhere because the cpu is constantly
switching between threads. Here's a rough sketch of how it might be done
(disclaimer - I wrote this in my email client - it can probably be done

int mpz_mul_vec(mpz_ptr* w, mpz_srcptr* u, mpz_srcptr v, const int dim)
        int nt = omp_get_num_threads();
        int i = 0; int x = 0;
        int ns = (dim / nt) + 1;
        int nsdim = dim;
        int tdim = dim

        for ( x = 0; x < ns; x++ )
                /* there has to be a better way to achieve this bit
                 * too late at night to be doing this
                if ( tdim >= dim )
                        nsdim = dim;
                        nsdim = tdim;

                #pragma omp parallel for shared w,u,v
                for ( i = 0; i < nsdim; i++ )
                        mpz_mul(w[i], u[i], v[i]);

                tdim -= dim;

        return 0;

Disclaimer: definitely not tested yet.

Now, the next stage is to get things going on the gpu. For that, the
word forth was mentioned somewhere so I'm currently slowly, when I have
a spare moment I can't face using for web dev, writing one in x86-64
linux assembly so I can then port the ideas to arb or whatever nvidia
asm lang is. Either way, I'm learning a heck of a lot, so...

...that's me for now.


On 06/22/2010 12:30 AM, Bill Hart wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is the first of three posts, primary audience sage-devel, esp.
> those attending Sage Days in Leiden.
> As many of you know, I recently stepped down from the MPIR project.
> The main reason was that I need to focus on FLINT until about 1 Oct
> 2010, then need to transition to 80% research, 20% coding (my
> colleagues at Warwick will be aghast that this is not already the
> ratio - but they probably guessed as much). Now that I have stepped
> down from MPIR, I can divulge all the "secret" development plans I
> had, in the hope that some other people might get inspired. That is
> what this email is about - potential MPIR projects that *anyone* could
> work on (assuming they code in C), even research level projects!!
> Firstly, in my mind, MPIR is not going away just because I stopped
> working on it regularly. Since the last release I managed, a major
> MPIR has been released, 2.1.1, which includes support for MSVC 2010
> from Dr. Brian Gladman and proper xgcd normalisation (actually done by
> me) and a number of other fixes by Jason Moxham. Minh Nguyen managed
> the release, and did a stellar job!
> Brian Gladman has always said, MPIR *is* him, me and Jason, so without
> me it's just him and Jason. But Jason recently posted to mpir-devel
> with plans for the next release. So the project is not stopping.
> As everyone is aware, we switched to LGPL v3+ so that code could be
> exchanged with GMP devels and indeed much code from GMP 5.x.y went
> into MPIR 2.0.0. Even if MPIR turns into GMP with proper MSVC Windows
> support, it'll still be a success in my book. But a *lot* more is
> possible.  Here are some of the "secret" plans I had for the future:
> Multiplication:
> * We currently don't have Toom 6 (GMP does). Someone could pull this
> code from GMP and put it in MPIR. It is largely written by Marco
> Bodrato, using a new "mixing" idea, which we had not thought of in
> MPIR. So it is very fast and well coded. Marco Bodrato and Alberto
> Zanoni are the leading experts on Toom related stuff.
> * We do have Toom 8 (also largely by Marco), but what should come
> next? Perhaps Toom 12? Perhaps a general Toom 2n? This is research
> mathematics. Currently such a thing doesn't exist. You could write a
> paper on it. Do please talk to Marco, who is very friendly and
> approachable and probably has lots of good ideas about what is
> possible. There's an open question as to what the actual asymptotics
> of a general Toom 2n is. The best known result is due to Knuth in
> * FFT - I have written a completely new FFT (I did this last
> Christmas). Apart from not having the sqrt2 trick implemented, this is
> actually almost ready to be put into MPIR. It should be *much* better
> than the FFT currently there, and I even have some new ideas which I
> could discuss with anyone who would like to do even better. I will be
> giving a talk at the upcoming Sage Days in Leiden on the FFT. If you
> get inspired, talk to me and I'll explain my new ideas. __I will *not*
> have time to complete this FFT___, but wrote extensive notes on what
> needs to be done to finish it, and there's a thousand lines of code or
> so ready for someone to work on if they so pleased. This new code is
> currently not used by anything! This is a project absolutely *anyone*
> could work on.
> Division
> * Anyone who's checked will notice MPIR's division code is actually
> slower than GMP's. This is fully intentional. It is because I decided
> we should use David Harvey's divide and conquer code (just a quick
> note - he disclaims responsibility for bugs in our code - we used his
> pre-implementation and adapted it for MPIR and he bears no
> responsibility for the ways in which we massacred it). Now
> theoretically divide and conquer code based on middle product should
> be faster than that based on straight multiplication (as currently
> used by GMP say). But this boils down to as much work being put into
> middle product code as into ordinary multiplication code, which is
> currently not the case. Specifically David Harvey invented this
> fantastic integer middle product algorithm (which was completely new).
> We've got an implementation largely by him (some by some of the GMP
> devels) which has assembly code for a basecase, then there is the
> equivalent of karatsuba multiplication for middle product (it's called
> toom42_mulmid). Actually you can "invert" any ordinary multiplication
> algorithm and turn it into an algorithm for middle product. This uses
> a type of inversion which is called Tellegen's principal (I can
> provide references, though they are also contained in David Harvey's
> paper on his website). Now, the next logical step is to implement
> Toom63_mulmid. This is an inverted Toom3 algorithm. In fact I have
> derived the correct identity for doing this (it took me ages as I did
> it by hand ;-)). Warning: David said he once gave this a go and it
> wasn't faster. However, he still left the door open for it to be
> successful because without proper assembly code for some of the
> components, it simply *can't* compete with the Toom3 multiplication in
> MPIR. But done right, it could in theory speed up division in MPIR by
> a *factor of 2*!!! Again, you might even get a small paper out of this
> work!
> * For asymptotically fast division, we use a precomputed inverse, i.e.
> to get f/g we first compute 1/g using Newton iteration, then we
> essentially multiply by f (that's a slight simplification, but not
> much). Now this can be made *much* faster too. Basically, Newton
> iteration can be done in something like 5/3*M(n) where M(n) is the
> time for multiplication (it's unknown whether 4/3 is possible for
> integer inversion). With FFT precaching you can combine this with the
> multiplication and get the whole division down to probably something
> like 2M(n) (might be slightly higher or lower - didn't look it up for
> a while). We are probably currently around 3M(n) or something of that
> order. Obviously this depends on the new FFT being put in, but in the
> end, we can speed up MPIR's asymptotically fast division (the concept
> for which I implemented - making reuse of some of the divide and
> conquer code from GMP for "boilerplate" stuff). In fact, it can be
> sped up a *lot*. Really a lot!
> * The current GCD/XGCD code in MPIR could do with a *lot* of cleaning
> up and general optimisation. GMP's is currently faster. It's all based
> on Niel's Moller's implementation of his ngcd algorithm, which is the
> best known. But I did it messily in MPIR.
> * I also have an idea for a new GCD algorithm for very small integers
> (a few limbs and less). I've implemented it for single limbs and it is
> way faster than what GMP uses. But it can be extended. I'd be happy to
> explain this to anyone who'd like to work on it. Again there *might*
> be some kind of paper in it. Maybe. Not sure though. (Just cause it's
> faster doesn't always get you a paper.)
> Jacobi Symbol
> * Richard Brent and Paul Zimmermann recently developed a new algorithm
> for computing Jacobi symbol asymptotically fast. They've implemented
> it and I think a future GMP will have an implementation. It's
> subquadratic with the same complexity as Schoenhage's continued
> fraction algorithm. It is not too hard to find a copy of the slides
> Paul and Richard will use to announce it at an upcoming meeting.
> There's also a paper floating around somewhere.... But this algorithm
> is based on Stehle and Zimmermann's half gcd algorithm. It is not at
> all clear to me why one couldn't derive a similar algorithm based on
> Niel's Moller's ngcd algorithm (if Paul is around, perhaps he can
> comment) at least his slides didn't rule this out. *If* such a thing
> would work, I believe it should be faster. Again, you *might* get a
> paper out of this. Actually, I don't see why not, so long as a
> comparable implementation beats Paul and Richard's implementation of
> their algorithm. As GMP will have the Brent-Zimmermann algorithm, it
> seems logical that MPIR could have the other.
> By the way, I want to draw attention to a new algorithm of Niels
> Moller and Torbjorn Granlund for "Improved division by invariant
> integers". MPIR already uses this algorithm as it was implemented in
> GMP and we now use that code for basecase division in MPIR. It's an
> interesting improvement and amazingly, if I understand correctly, they
> actually beat the chip for 2 by 1 limb division!! (flint2 uses this
> new algorithm extensively in the new nmod_poly module).
> Powm
> * MPIR is woefully slow at this. I vaguely recall some new REDD
> algorithm mentioned on the GMP website for this. I have no idea what
> this is about, or if it is even implemented, but a *pure guess* is it
> might be some generalised REDC algorithm, perhaps based on a similar
> trick to the divide by 3 algorithm that David Harvey and I
> (re)invented some years ago when working on FLINT. I reckon the
> likelihood is high (based on the name) that this is what it is, in
> which case, let's put it in MPIR. If not, well then there's something
> to study....
> * Many, many people have supported the idea of writing a BSD licensed
> Bignum library. Most recently Ondre Certik wrote to me *strongly*
> supporting the idea. This is complex at best, because it must be so
> different from GMP as to cause *absolutely no question whatsoever*
> that it is independent, and thus must be implemented completely from
> scratch. One idea I had was to write all the low level routines in
> LLVM instead of assembly, then just build suitable optimisations into
> LLVM so that nice assembly is automatically produced. This is entirely
> feasible and would mean only one lot of low level routines would ever
> need to be written, rather than a different set for each platform
> (LLVM supports *lots* of platforms, even the playstation SPU!!).
> However, LLVM doesn't support carry propagation well (as it is written
> with the C front end in mind and C doesn't need to support carry
> propagation). So I'm still umming and aahhing about whether this might
> be more work than just writing lots of assembly code from scratch. At
> this point I don't know. And yes it matters, it makes at least a
> factor of 2 difference in times, which we can't just "live with" for a
> bignum library.
> * Antony Vennard was working hard on a website for a bsdnt project.
> Bits and pieces of it function already (it's high tech). If anyone
> knows Django and would love to help Antony, let us know - lots is done
> but more needs to be done. I don't see a project as going anywhere
> without a website....
> * I wrote some code for multiplication which is relatively quick up to
> a few hundred limbs, I also wrote some basecase division, but want to
> change how it works because I have a better way of doing it now. All
> this code is in very few lines, but still relies on assembly code in
> MPIR to be efficient. We obviously can't have a BSD licensed library
> relying on an LGPL library. Doesn't make sense...
> * I just want to emphasise, bsdnt has *nothing* to do with MPIR. It's
> a totally separate project and it came about because lots of people
> kept telling us they really wanted a BSD licensed bignum library. Its
> main goal is clean, simple code which anyone can read. Each function
> will be only a few lines. Performance will come second, (although
> there is a goal to at least be reasonable in comparison with MPIR, say
> within a factor of 2 in the first year and within 20% in the second -
> clock didn't start yet ;-)). Performance is *very* difficult to
> achieve if you specifically do *not* want to replicate any portion of
> GMP/MPIR, so there's no intention to ever beat MPIR. Actually, I don't
> think that is even possible. They represent the state-of-the art by
> some orders of magnitude.
> Don't forget, I'll be around at Sage Days Leiden for anyone who is
> going to be there. But also feel free to contact me on list here about
> anything I've discussed.
> Two more posts to go....
> Bill.

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