----- Original Message ----- From: "Cactus"

will also ned to overwrite mpir.h with the version attached here (I
overlooked this when making the ZIP file).

But isn't mpir.h built by the configure process ?
It's not in the top-level directory of the svn source that I downloaded, but *does* appear there after./configure has been run.

If that's so, then we would need to introduce that mpir.h into the build *after* we've run ./configure - which is a dubious practice. (Introducing it prior to ./configure would be equally dubious - and I'm guessing it would only get overwritten anyway.)

Not sure if that has anything to do with the problem that David is experiencing, and I won't have time to take a look for a day or two.

(Sorry if I've missed something, and am being stupid.)

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