Thanks for the helpful response.
I've downloaded mpfr and mpfrcpp, but I'm not sure what to do exactly
to include them (while I'm compiling?). Also, would it be alright if I
sent you all of my code together? To be honest, I have very little
idea of what I'm doing in general; it took me quite a few hours to
understand just how to use custom libraries, and I'm still not sure if
I've used them correctly.

On Feb 23, 1:25 am, Cactus <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Welcome to mpir-devel!   The first thing that I can say is that MPIR on its
> own is not the best application to use for multiple precision floating
> point applications.  The mpf functions work but they have now been
> superseded by another package called MPFR ( that provides
> significant improvements for high precision floating point algorithms.
> Although this requires yet another package to install, I think you will
> find that the extra effort will be worthwhile.  In particular this will
> give you better control over precision and also allow long double
> conversions provided that your build environment supports this type
> (Microsoft build tools on Windows don't support long double).
> The second point I would make is that there are also C++ packages that
> allow high precision floating point types in a way that is essentially
> identical to ordinary double types - see, for example, the MPFRC++ 
> (  These packages allows you to
> develop your code using ordinary doubles and, once it is working, you can
> then do a simple search and replace operation to convert 'double' into
> 'mpreal' and it will then work with high precision floating point types (a
> few other changes might be needed).  Pavel's web  page gives examples and
> you might also be interested in Rick Regan's 'Exploring Binary' where he
> explains how he went through the issue you are looking at here:  
> (he uses mpf types but I would recommend that you use MPFRC++ instead).  He
> aslo gives examples that might help you.
> If you need more help, I would be happy to look at your code and offer
> advice on how to get it working with MPFRC++.  If you have an email
> address, I will be willing to advise you off-line or you can continue to
> ask questions here.
>     good luck,
>        Brian Gladman

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