On Tue, 22 May 2012 11:14:51 +0200
Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:

> What is the reason that MPIR uses yasm to build *some* of its assembly
> files?  It seems that most assembly files are built using gcc, i.e.
> the system assembler.  Why use two different assemblers?

Originally it was hoped that using YASM would allow assembelr code to
be common across Unix/Linux and WIndows -- YASM is portable whereas GAS
(Unix/Linux) and MASM (Windows) are not.

But for 64-bit systems the Windows and Unix/Linux ABIs diverged
anyway so assembler code portability was not seen as a priority so many
assembler routines are now GAS on Linux and YASM on WIndows.  

But some assembler files remain as YASM on Linux.


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