On Tuesday, 22 May 2012, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 22 May 2012, Brian Gladman <b...@gladman.plus.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 22 May 2012 16:53:07 +0100
>> Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> On 22 May 2012 16:37, Brian Gladman <b...@gladman.plus.com> wrote:
>>> > On Tue, 22 May 2012 15:19:52 +0100
>>> > Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Well spotted. Indeed, MinGW64 uses the Windows assembly code, not
>>> >> the linux assembly code. So indeed, for MinGW support, we probably
>>> >> have little choice but to use a portable assembler. So it looks
>>> >> like we are stuck with Yasm, unless we wanted to duplicate all the
>>> >> Windows assembly code (something I personally don't want to do).
>>> >
>>> > Hence the problem since I am explicitly NOT supporting mingw64 - if
>>> > it works with my assembler, this is by luck rather than design.
>>> >
>>> > To be honest I was content while we all worked with YASM on BOTH
>>> > Unix/Linux and Windows since this meant that most of our assembler
>>> > code is common and in Intel syntax (mostly only prologues and
>>> > epilogues change).
>>> Yes, this is another reason that we chose to use Yasm across both
>>> Linux and Windows. It makes a lot less work for you.
>>> I'd bet quite a lot of money that no one will volunteer to switch all
>>> the Linux assembly code to use GCC. So I bet this is all moot anyway.
>>> One thing is for sure though, we cannot use MASM for Linux.
>> Not MASM but there is a highly regarded Open Source alternative JWASM
>> at http://www.japheth.de/JWasm.html which can be used:
> It's license is not accepted as free by the Debian and Fedora crowds.
> I don't know if that is something to be taken seriously or not.

Unfortunately it is. The license is not free, let alone GPL compatible. It
even uses version 1 of the license which has problems in the termination
clause and the deployment clause.

We definitely can't make this a dependency of MPIR.

> It probably couldn't be included as part of MPIR itself, but could be
made a dependency for a MinGW build.
> It wouldn't then build out-of-the-box on MinGW like GMP does which I
don't like the idea of.
> It sounds very much like we should find someone to maintain gcc based
Windows assembly code for MinGW.
> Any volunteers? I know no one in the Sage project cares about MinGW, but
maybe some of our other MinGW users might be interested in doing this.
> Bill.
>> "JWasm is written in C. The source is portable and has successfully
>> been tested with Open Watcom, MS VC, GCC and more."
>>> > But if Unix/Linux support moves to GAS (as it seems to be doing), I
>>> > then have to convert the assembler code for Windows anyway so it
>>> > then makes sense for me to use the native Windows assembler (MASM)
>>> > and avoid the need to install YASM (which does not work as well as
>>> > MASM).
>>> >
>>> > But can masm64 use MASM as its assembler (my guess is no)?
>>> MinGW64 should be able to support MASM, though it will take a few
>>> changes in the configure files which Jason or I would have to make. Of
>>> course it would expect to find masm64 somewhere on the system. That is
>>> a complication, as we cannot supply masm64 with MPIR and hence we
>>> can't guarantee it can be found. The user will essentially have to
>>> supply the location. (I just checked and it is not on my system.) We'd
>>> probably need to introduce a configure flag for this purpose.
>>> On the other hand, masm64 is not Open Source. This alone may stop some
>>> people using MPIR on Windows, as they would want to use a completely
>>> Open Source toolchain where possible (MinGW64, Yasm, GCC).
>> JWASM solves that.
>>> And, are you sure you want to rewrite all that assembly code to work
>>> with MASM? What would be the main motivation for that?
>> Its not all that hard to do and is an investment that would make my
>> life easier in the medium to long term. YASM only partially
>> integrates into Visual Studio and does not respect the ability to only
>> assemble those source code files that have changed, which means that
>> builds take a lot longer than they would with MASM.  MASM also has
>> better support for debug symbols.  The other thing is that using MASM
>> would allow MPIR to build 'out of the box' since MASM is included as a
>> part of Visual Studio.
>>   Brian
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