Hi all,

as many of you know, I've been planning my time well in advance for some
time now. This helps with productivity and with general well-being.

To that end, you will find my current schedule below, followed by a
discussion of aims for mpir and future plans for flint.


Jan 20-22:
   * mpfr meeting in Nancy

Jan 23-31:
   * finish paper on bignum division

Feb 1-28:
   * 200-400 lines of code for project with D. Harvey
   * mpir-2.7.0 release

March and following (unscheduled):
   * LLL and HNF
   * asymptotically fast polynomial resultant
   * qsieve
   * ANTIC (number field arithmetic: inversion, division, powering)


Plans for MPIR 2.7:

Below is a list of things that need doing for MPIR. I have placed a cutoff
where I think we can get to for the 2.7 release:

* Fix issues reported by many people (I will put up github tickets when I
return from Nancy)
* Document and clean up x86_64 assembly code
* Indent, clean up Jason Moxham's old C code
* fft versions of mpn_mulmod_bnm1/p1 for gmp-ecm
* merge toom-6 code from GMP
* cpuid support for recent Intel/AMD chips
* update config.guess and friends
* tuning for new division code
* support Cygwin64
* maintain Windows build scripts
* support for latest MSVC
* GMP 5.1.3 compatibility

<CUTOFF -- contributions welcome>

* complete overhaul and documentation of libspeed
* complete overhaul of tuning code, including fixing it on platforms where
it is broken
* clean up and document the part of the build system that decides whether
functions such as mpn_preinv_divrem_1 are available or not
* add new mpir_mullo, mpir_mulhi, mpir_mulmid which yield 2 limb overflows
* add montgomery multiplication
* add a public interface for  FFT precaching
* add a public interface for division with precomputed inverse
* implement new binary to decimal conversion due to Zimmermann and Bouvier (
* write a new assembly superoptimiser for x86_64 (to replace the one Jason
* speed up very unbalanced multiplication
* (assembly) optimise FFT
* much better developer documentation, esp. mpn interface and how to add
new files
* parallelise FFT
* update mpirbench

I expect that the final release process will start around Feb 21st.


Plans for flint-2.5 and following

I haven't scheduled a release date for flint-2.5, nor figured out which
features should make the release yet. I will do so as my schedule becomes

* make Arb a standard extension of flint (it will still be maintained as a
separate library too)
* make mpfr optional in flint (disabling functionality which requires it if
not available)
* automate figuring out which parts of the C++ wrapper need updating (and
update them)
* gcov test coverage
* valgrind all modules
* large quadratic sieve
* APR-CL primality testing
* LLL and HNF
* asymptotically fast polynomial resultant
* faster newton division, including FFT precaching
* rewrite Bland to use the Generic style generics interface
* root-finding code (Mike Hansen)
* use BLAS for matrices over Z/nZ for small n, if available
* Shoup multiplication interface
* polynomial factoring over Z (Mark van Hoeij recently announced more
* better polynomial mullo, mulhi, mulmid code
* fmpz_mod_mat module (some templating may be in order)
* clean up documentation formatting

Comments/suggestions/contributions welcome. Some of these could make GSoC
projects. Any volunteers for mentors? Not sure if we already missed the
application deadline for this year or not.


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