On 31/03/2014 18:55, Jeff Gilchrist wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Brian Gladman <b...@gladman.plus.com> wrote:
>> My repository at:
>> https://github.com/BrianGladman/mpir
>> is fully up to date but I don't think Bill has my latest VS build files.
> I pulled your latest master and followed the instructions in the
> build.vc12\readme.txt file.  Good news, it seems like VS Express 2013
> actually includes support for 64bit out of the box.  It has a solution
> explorer and I can pick x64 and Win32 configurations in the interface.
>  The only thing I had to do was add the vsyasm binary as explained in
> the readme.  I was able to build the debug versions of
> lib_mpir_nehalem and lib_mpir_cxx without any problems, then go and
> build the test solution.  The only thing with Express is that "Build
> Solution" does not work, nothing was selected so I manually selected
> "add-test-lib" and built it then selected all the other projects in
> the solution explorer and then built the selection and it worked.  For
> some reason "mpn.inv_divappr_q_n" is giving me a (load failed) error
> stating it has been moved or renamed.

Hi Jeff,

The "mpn.inv_divappr_q_n" issue is a simple one since this file and the
related test are no longer needed.  I thought that I had removed this
but it seems that I need to check this.

The lack of selection in the test projects is a bit of an issue. The
problem here is that it is a big nuisance when debugging one test (a
common action) to make a small change and then find that all 2011 tests
rebuild when only one is needed (i.e. the one being worked on).  So what
I want to do here is to have debug builds without any selections or
dependencies but to have selections and depndencies set up for release
builds of all the tests.

But I have been too lazy to go through the 201 tests and set this up
manually and I haven't had the time to look at how these settings could
be automated :-(

> Installing python 3.4 and running the run-tests.py script gave me 201
> tests ran correctly out of 201 tests.
> So it seems Express 2013 will read the standard VS2013 solution files
> and you no longer need to do any python magic to create special
> solution files to support Express and you don't need to install a
> separate Windows SDK to get 64bit binaries either.  I also tried
> running the configure script to choose sandybridge assembler and then
> compiled it in release mode and ran the tests again and that also
> worked in Express without any issues.

That is good news - there is even a reasonable chance that this will
work in VS2010 as well (not Express though).

> I found a few typos and outdated information in the readme.txt file in
> your build.vc12 folder so I have attached the updated version and
> hopefully you can check it into your repo.  I also removed the
> information for Express that no longer applies to the 2013 version.
> The readme refers to a speed.sln file that does not exist in my
> build.vc12 directory.  When I load tune.sln I do see a reference to
> the speed project but I get a "tune (load failed)" error so I have
> updated the readme to just reference tune.sln for both tune/speed.  I
> can build the lib_speed and speed projects from within tune.sln and
> then run the run-speed.py script after.

Yes, I am sorry that I did not mention how out of date the readme is.
As you have found, I am changing these related builds to all reside
underr one solution (tune.sln) but there are a few tweaks to do on this
(these have never needed the assembler until now, which explains the
vsprops issue below).

> I just checked and the tune project isn't loading because it is
> getting an error about the vsyasm.props file not being found.  The
> instructions in the readme just state to copy the vsyasm.exe to the
> bin\ directory but not anything with the .props file.  I have
> confirmed that adding those files fixes the problem, so I will add
> that step into the readme.

This probably means that the build customisation is not set up properly
for these projects as the props file in the local build directroy should
be found if it is set correctly. I'll look into this.

Thanks for the work on the readme - I am rewriting this so the issues
and corrctions you have found and done will help this greatly.

It is really good news that 2013 Express works 'out of the box' as this
will simplify the build instructions.

Thank you for all the work you have done on this, Jeff, I much
appreciate your efforts.


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