RT (who, by the way, is running for mayor, not the 13th ward, right RT?)

>I'd love big public boards in places
>like this where we encourage people to post whatever they want.

I vaguely remember some neighborhoods putting in board-type kiosks, I think
as part of NRP. Anyone know how well those worked?

Also, as far as the McDonald-Oarfolk battle...even though posting flyers is
illegal -- and known by the official, wonderful name of "snipe" (no relation
to Harry Potter's teacher), I personally don't have a huge problem with them
stapled up in rockin' commercial nodes such as Uptown.

However, given flyers' illict status, I reserve the right of citizens'
arrest to tear down any advertising get-rich-quick schemes or diet scams
(plastic Herbalife boards are like a 10-point buck in my world). Also, if
your band has decided to put f**k on their poster, it's coming down too --
I'd rather explain this term to my kid on my own terms (like after I utter

I definitely draw the line at stickers, though -- anything that requires
that much effort to remove has GOT to be wrong.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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