Wade Russell mentioned the name of Patrick Born, the
choice of our city coordinator to head the finance
department, and alluded to the fact(?) that he was
licking his chops to get a chance to broker another
stadium deal like the ones he engineered in other
cities. Whether that is true or not I do not know
though I would surmise that will be a priority of his
tenure as finance director.

Let's talk baseball here

On August 12th, John Moir announced his resignation
from his long held job as finance director of the
think of mr. moir as the starting pitcher. worked hard
and long, threw a lot of pitches. time to move on he

Kathleen O'brien states a national search will be held
to find a replacement for mr. moir and that a
replacement will be announced before thanksgiving.

on september 16th it is announced in the paper of
record that DR. Neil Chritenson, emphasis on the
doctor, has signed on as short reliever for $53,495.
a flat fee for up to four months. anything to get
through the budget process. he joins the team on nov

on november 18th it is announced that patrick born
will be the new finance director for the city. ms
o'brien coyly avers that the stadium issue is only one
of mr. born's duties along with counting and rolling
quarters from city hall vending machines. 

dontcha just love it! he can do everything and he's a
hometown boy. she searched the whole country and the
best person was right out in edina. mariano rivera
back off! we got our closer.

believe me, the last thing the city would ever want to
do is let in an outsider to queer the deal, blow the
whistle. no free agents here. we got a guy who came up
through the ol' farm system.

the city council will no doubt approve his appointment
on wednesday.

i don't know patrick born. he may be a good choice.
the best even, a real phenom. but as ms mcdonald was
qouted as saying in the paper today regarding the new
stadium proposal, " i don't think it will pass the
smell test."

i would love to get a look at kathy o'brien's
calendar.  five'll get you twenty she didn't interview
a person outside the third ring of suburbs.

tim connolly
ward 7


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