If you read my piece accurately ms berget you will see
that what i object to is the process and the lack of

i believe i made clear that i do not know pat born and
that he in fact may be a fine and ethical person.

what i object to are smoke and mirrors. if you like
them. fine. keep voting the way you do and you'll get
exactly what you want and deserve.

frankly, i am insulted by a mayor, for instance, who
goes before the city council, an audience of political
appointees and city workers, and states how proud she
is of chief olson for finding $1 million dollars of
savings for the upcoming budget in the police
department only to find three days later that the
overall city police budget has increased by $4

Do you think that out of a current $90 million budget
this police chief could have found a few dollars to
train his force on how to deal with people who unfor-
tunately suffer from mental disorders?

That's what I impugn Ms Berget. This city smells to
high hell of insider politics and corruption. it is
shameful beyond comprehension and worst of all are
apologists who support it. 

your words roll off my back.

next time read the mail carefully before you come
charging at me.

tim connolly
ward 7

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I wince when
> I hear another character 
> inuendo about a public figure before there are any
> facts to support such 
> inuendo.
> I don't know if this is the same Pat Born who
> facilitated many bond sales for 
> Mpls. Public Schools in recent years, but I hope it
> is. THAT Pat Born is an 
> outstanding finance head and a man of good judgement
> and strong personal 
> character. The City and its residents would be well
> served by THAT Pat Born.
> Were you talking about a different one?
> Ann Berget
> Kingfield 10-10

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