In a message dated 3/16/2001 1:09:32 AM Central Standard Time, 

> A few people have mentioned  a system of proportional representation (which
>  is what this talk of at-large seats stems from) which is commonly known as
>  "mixed": having some seats be elected from wards or districts, while others
>  are "at large".  This seems to me a good solution: if everyone were "at
>  large" there might be little connection to the local neighborhoods, and,
>  conceivably, the entire council could focus on the interests of one
>  group.(hmm...sounds slightly familiar?)
>  With a mixed member system some reps are accountable to a locale, and a
>  population; therefore (in theory) would advocate on behalf of their
>  particular constituents.
>  Who can tell me what structural changes would need to occur to put this 
>  effect?  Charter? State law?
>  Arthur LaRue
>  6-6/Cedar-Riverside

In Minneapolis, this would require a change in the City Charter......which 
can be done through a charter ammendment on the ballot.

Chris Allison
Ward 6
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