>I personally would rather have my elected
>officials work on those issues that make my spot
>on the planet a better place to "live, work and
>play" rather than to monitoring email.
Well part of the job of an elected official is to answer (or have their
staff answer) mail (including email) from constituents.  When I talked with
Neva Walker about a month ago, I suggested she get the house IT staff to
help her with organizing filters for her email.  After all that's what IT
staff is for is tech support.  

>I am not only Neva's friend, but her campaign
>manager.  I will continue to be her spokesperson
>when asked.  And in this case she asked that I do
>so.  Neva does have this email monitored so she
>gets the pulse of what is going on in her
Did CM Herron also ask you to write on his behalf on this?  CM Herron seems
to have a fair number of spokespersons.  Robert Lilligren (his opponent)
has acted as Herron's spokesperson once by request.    

>I know that Neva is greatful for those that will
>volunteer to give her information from lists such
>as Mpls Forum and are willing to send her
>opinions to the list.
It's really helpful to list members to know when an elected official
opinion is being sent officially via a list member.  In this case, I was
confused, and am thankful to Karen Forbes for raising the question.  

I'd also like to second David Brauer's thanks to Carol Becker for doing the
thankless task of defending City actions.  I also agree with David that
more elected officials themselves should be more direct about defending
their own actions on this list.  

Eva Young

Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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