Lynn Lowder writes:
> Wow, how interesting that the "Nobody" (sorry Sean)
> running against Lisa Goodman (Ward 7) got almost 1 out
> of 5 votes.  He even stated that he wasn't trying, he
> simply wanted to give people another choice on the
> ballot because he felt Lisa was a bully.  I wonder how
> well someone could do next time if they had a little
> support, a little money and the desire to listen to
> their constituents?

But Lynn, isn't this the point: no one had enough support to challenge
Lisa Goodman? Rather than assume some mythical candidate could beat her,
default to reality: she had wide enough support no one BUT Flynn ran
against her.

Back when I was the lone liberal doing a morning-radio show on a
conservative station, I told a politician I had a new appreciation for
trying to win over people who were hostile on ideological grounds.

He told me you don't try to win them over...paraphrasing Casey Stengal,
he observed one-third of the electorate agreed with you, one-third
vehemently disagreed, and one-third weren't sure. He said the trick was
to win over the unsures and forget about the vehement disagreers.

Now of course this percentage is anecdotal. But if only 17.4 percent
(Sean Flynn's actual percentage) voted against Goodman, she's managed to
upset a much lower percentage of people than politicians usually do.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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