Hi All!

Back from Lurkdom for a rare (promise!) missive.

While not absolutely Mpls-centric, this is directed toward DFLers, of which
great numbers reside in your fair city, and the flare-up on the House floor
today involved Mpls reps Kahn, Ellison, Walker and Clark, and Mpls has a large
population of minotities and GLBTs.

I cross-posted to the proper forum, the mn-politics-discuss list, but that one
has gone relatively moribund and I want to reach as many as possible with what I
hope is taken as a sincere message and constructive criticism.

This will make the news, I'm certain, so I'll let you get the details about who
said what from the media.

At the end of the House session today, after the votes had been taken and
routine wrap-up announcements and mundane points of personal privilege are made,
the intense young Rep Entenza pulled a fast one and baited Rep Lindner (author
of the infamous HF341 which is not going anywhere, BTW) and Lindner took it hook
line and sinker.

This is just to say as a staunch conservative Republican, that Lindner's
unfortunate remarks not only do not reflect my views, they do not reflect the
view of the GOP Caucus in particular and Minnesota Republicans in general.

Every political party has its fringe.  Lindner is an honest and decent man and
his strong belief system informs his work in the House.  Sadly. he has a
proclivity for
putting his foot in his mouth.  I am personally familiar with this personality
trait, having swallowed mine up to the ankle on many occasions.

If he were to walk lock-step with his Caucus, he would have to be a Democrat
We are a big tent.  Rep Lindner is but one of 83(?) diverse GOP House members.

There is much unpleasant, albeit necessary work to be done this session, and I
hope (but doubt)
that the DFL will resist distracting attention from the "real" issues by waving
this rotting, stinking red herring under our noses..  It's nasty politics.
Focus on the Budget, gang.  Leave Arlon and his pet bill alone
and it will go away.


Paul Kuettel
Falcon Heights

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