Hello Minneapolis Folks:

Representatives Linder's legislation and comments over
the past few weeks deserves a strong response from
Governor Pawlenty. His statements are an
emabarrassement to our state, and represent a
homophobic, and racist mentality that should not be
represented by our government. 

Representative Linder's words and legislation speak
for volumes of his lack of morality, character,  and
integrity. Governor Pawlenty should be more than  just
"troubled", he should ask Representative Linder to
step down from his seat.  

Ken Bradley Cocoran Neighborhood

Lawmaker condemned by Holocaust survivor now accused
of racism
Conrad deFiebre, Star Tribune 
Published March 11, 2003 LIND11 

Rep. Arlon Lindner, already facing severe criticism
over his statements about gays and lesbians and the
Nazi Holocaust, was accused of racism on the House
floor Monday after saying his bill to strip gays and
lesbians of state human rights protections would save
America from becoming "another African continent."

The House's only two black members immediately lashed
out at Lindner, R-Corcoran, sparking a tense floor
debate between Republicans and DFLers that veered into
discussions about abortion and handgun rights in Nazi

Even Gov. Tim Pawlenty weighed in late Monday,
describing Lindner's comments about the Holocaust as

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