The role that Ms. Kambui played is significantly different that just "disagreeing with the proposed structure" of federal mediation (which, under DOJ protocols calls for the community, not the city, to select its representation).  Her role has been to undermine that potential avenue for change by coopting it with people who are financially beholden to the city.  She put that sham "community" team together by design, for the purpose of making certain that no change will result.  Under DOJ guidelines, since she is a city employee she should have had NO ROLE in putting together the community team but there she was, doing the selecting and inviting.  Further, this is not the first time I have seen Ms. Kambui play this role.  She is enamored of power and loyal to her "bosses" to the point of selling out the community.

I have no doubt that Ms. Kambui cares about civil rights.  I just think she cares about power even more.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

At 12:05 PM 6/8/03 -0500, Dennis Plante wrote:

Apparently there are two people with the same name working in the Mayor's office.  The Kinshasa Kambui I know cares very deeply and has worked very hard on the issue of civil rights. 

To suggest that she is not concerned about the issue of civil rights, because she may not have agreed to the existing proposed structure for mediation is for me, personally unbelievable.  In fact, in my opinion, had we had the type of leadership Kinshasa has exhibited on the civil rights issue in City Hall for the last 3 decades, we wouldn't be facing the divisive issues currently before us.

We can debate the issue of whether or not the existing proposed structure for mediation would have worked until the "cows come home".  And it is fair to list those that did not support it as detractors of the proposed process.  However, it is I believe, very unfair to suggest that champions of civil rights, like Kinshasa, are disinterested in the process of civil rights, because she may not have been a supporter of the mediation process.

Dennis Plante


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