It is always interesting to see how parents perceive changes in the school
district regarding learning styles and quote the "SLC" curriculum.  Do you
all know Barton School and its reputation today.  Barton is classified as an
open school and a merger between Lake Harriet Open School (Fulton Open) and
Harrison Open.  When Lake Harriet Open School first started, the turnover
was extremely high.  Why, because the parents did not understand the concept
or have the patience to see what would happen to their child as the school
began to identify itself.  It needed time to develop its own personality and
learn how to became the school it is.  Just like a human who does not have
an indentifiable personality when born.  Now look at Barton, one of the top
schools in the city.  I believe that we have to give "SLC" a chance to
develop itself and see how the students achieve in later life.  Why do so
many people jump the gun and judge after only 1 or 2 yrs.  It takes time for
any program to develop and grow.  Compare this to your own children.   Open
school kids sometimes do poorly in the early grades.  Why, because they are
learning concepts and understanding and thinking skills.  It has been shown
that these kids once they get into the higher grades really start to excell
and can jump several grade levels in their abiltiy to perform.  Many
teachers in high school have remarked at how flexible and adaptable these
kids are.  This is part of what MPS teaches.

It is the parents who prejudge the school.  Do you talk to your kids about
the school and what they like or dislike about it.  Have you really given
the school a fair chance or do you make a judgement call after only 1 year. 
MPS does look for new ways to improve themselves in spite of the budget cuts
 accountability to others and the citizens of MPS and the state legislature.

Please do not prejudge any program or MPS because you may not have all the
facts about the situation.  Statistics can be geared to show anything.  Talk
with the kids about their experiences.  

Those that send their kids to non public schools, that is their choice.  Do
these schools produce the statistics by which you judge MPS.   Are you 100%
happy with these schools.  Maybe you should be considering they may cost a
lot of money and you would not want to feel that you are throwing these
thousands of dollars away.  

The next several years will be crucial for MPS concerning the big teacher
and administrative cuts.  We need to help them to educate our kids to become
good citizens and our future leaders.

eli kaplan
Linden Hills
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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