This is one of the rare occasions where I agree with everything in a post
that Michael Atherton wrote. I think that the following 2 points should be

In a message dated 6/15/2003 5:05:21 PM Central Daylight Time, 
>  Eli Kaplan wrote:
>  > Please do not prejudge any program or MPS because you may not 
>  > have all the facts about the situation.  Statistics can be geared 
>  > to show anything.  Talk with the kids about their experiences.  
>  Bad statistics can be geared to show anything, valid statistical
>  techniques cannot.  Although liars can use statistics, you don't
>  need statistics to lie.  I'm astounded that the defenders of
>  the MPS take such an anti-intellectual/anti-scientific tack,
>  it's something that I would expect more from right wing 
>  Christian fundamentalists [...] If science has been successful in 
>  many fields, such as Physics, Astronomy, Biology, and Medicine 
>  then it has been because of the study of statistics.  So is that
>  what they teach in the MPS, that statistics can be geared
>  to show anything so don't bother learning how to use them?  How 
>  are students going to be able to evaluate accurate from inaccurate 
>  arguments, rely on faith and individual experience?
>  David Brauer wrote:
>  > So ... I'd still like to hear from parents with kids in 
>  > Minneapolis Public Schools' Small Learning Communities. 
>  So would I.  In addition, I would like to know why the MPS 
>  implemented SLCs system wide rather than testing them on a 
>  smaller scale first (it seems like an approach that is scaleable).  
>  I would also like to know the preliminary statistics.  Have SLCs 
>  had any impact on dropout rates, truancy, student behavioral
>  problems or student achievement?  If the MPS does not have
>  the systems to collect this information they're in a world
>  of hurt and in need of new management.
>  Michael Atherton
>  Prospect Park

-Doug Mann, King Field
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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