Dear Chris,

Thanks for stimulating discussion on independent boards, their budgets
and, whether they cooperate.  It is completely reasonable to bring up
many of the questions that you have and question the system or status
quo.  Good politics.  Gives us a chance to explain ourselves!  As you
mentioned before, these are our tax dollars!

I am a newly elected public official and admit that I entered the
political process questioning motives and decisions of many officials
and elected bodies.  Since being on the Park Board, meeting many other
elected officials and seeing financial numbers on a daily basis, my
faith in the Minneapolis public governing system has increased
immeasurably.  I would like to take a moment to make a few points.

First, for the most part, public officials are motivated by a passion
for the organization they work for more than anything.  Admittedly,
there are some big egos around!  Mine can get a little big sometimes as
well.  However, the bottom line is, people are not lining their pockets
being on these boards.  They work an enormous amount of time for what
they get paid!  Frankly, I took a substantial decrease in annual income
to be on the Park Board.  Admittedly, this passion can get in the way
for some of us, but it is, in general, a very good thing for the
citizens of the city.  

To address one of your points more specifically. . . . The Building.  I
voted for the original proposal to purchase the building.  I have voted
against the current funding structure and any additional dollars going
into the building.  Why did I vote for the original proposal?  I was
dismayed at the amount we were paying downtown for the current
headquarters (rent, etc.) and it simply made sense to own a building if
the financing and operating costs are less than the existing rent.  This
is a smart investment for the public (gained equity).  The original
proposal with bonding through the city would have resulted in a net
profit to the park system - enough for 2 neighborhood rec center roofs
per year!  Unfortunately, city council voted against bonding.  The
financing changed and the profit disappeared, however, the building is
still a 'break even' purchase and makes financial sense.  I voted
against the current financing because, 1) it is less attractive without
the net profit, 2) bad time to buy a building as a public agency, and 3)
not enough public input and participation in the process.  Although I
have significant concerns about the process that was used (or lack there
of), the building is (at this time) a 'break even' venture financially
with a net gain in equity to the public.

Superintendent's Salary Issue - Bottom Line, if we want the best
possible park board superintendent, we are going to have to pay for it!
The current superintendent is underpaid.  The need for a higher salary
is not just my opinion, but was mentioned by 2 of the 3 search firms.
As much as I hate to spend the money, it is the reality of the world.
Most people, unlike your dad, are not willing to manage large
organizations and be significantly underpaid.  A good superintendent
brings in much more financial support to the system than their increased
salary through public relations, lobbying, fundraising and grants.
Minneapolis citizens have benefited hugely from an active Superintendent
such as Mary.  Many of the projects we have and are currently doing are
a result of significant grant monies we applied for and received from
the state and federal government.  A good board makes good policy - but
a good superintendent and staff make it happen!

Cooperation - We, as Annie Young mentioned, are looking to work with
other agencies.  Since, I have been on the Park Board, we have met with
City Council, the Mayor, the Watershed District, and the School Board as
well as many others on ways we can work together.  We already do in some
respects - the Park Police - for instance, when there were riots at the
U of M - all three police organizations responded.  Although separate in
some ways, these police departments all work together seamlessly when
needed.  We share space and equipment with the School Board.  We and
City Council, through surface redesign, each work on what we do best.
This is not to suggest we can't do more!  In my opinion, there should be
much more cooperation, but, we are all working to be as efficient with
our tax dollars as possible.

Well, I will cut it off here.  I realize I didn't post a lot of numbers.
I would be happy to do that on any issue that you mentioned.  Didn't
want to make this e-mail too long!  We are not hiding anything -
EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS PUBLIC!  Please feel free to ask, question, and/or
challenge in the future!  Like I said - good politics!


John Erwin
City-wide Park Board Commissioner

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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