At 7:54 -0500 7/5/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 15
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 11:42:56 -0500
Subject: [Mpls] New Parkway Signs

 I was pleased to see the "Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board" placed =
on the new Parkway signs. My  impression is that the signs are good =
looking and tasteful.

It is a great idea to identify all park property that the Minneapolis =
Park and Recreation Board is responsible for. It would be a great idea =
to place this identification on all of the signs at the lakes, on all =
parkways, in all neighborhood parks, soccer fields, and in even the =
smallest park triangle.

Yes. The idea of a consistent style for signs marking all the parks and properties the MPRB cares for is a good one. It's an idea that's been used for all the decades I've lived in Minneapolis. It's not a new idea. The smallest triangle has, today, a sign that connotes it is park board property.

Adding "Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board" to these signs drives home the point to those who do not recognize that the consistent style of the signs on MPRB properties connotes those properties as all being under one jurisdiction. I've never had trouble getting that idea from the signs alone, without the additional words "Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board" added to them. Perhaps others mileage varies. No one has yet offered any information about the public's confusion on what properties the Park Board controls.

Commissioner Young has told us that the money to make and place these signs is federal dollars coming to the MBRB because of the parkway's (and regional parks') National Scenic Byways designation. She has said that the money is "the only safe/positive money we have for" [...] marketing the Grand Rounds Scenic Byway. Given that, it's hard to understand why the signs don't do anything to promote or market the Grand Rounds.

I haven't seen the new signs appearing on Park Board properties that are not part of the Grand Rounds. Anyone?

Commissioner Young has said she will ask park board staffers about my questions (which include confusion about why the correct designations "East Minnehaha Parkway" and "West Minnehaha Parkway" are not being used in these new signs). I continue to look forward to her reply.

Karen Cooper, signed up in Tangletown
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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