I worked as a temp at Hennepin County Violations
Bureau eterring ticket and fine information.  The
tickets written to cabbies go and the city does seem
to use violations by cab drivers as an income source.

Fines under the statutes for cabbies often amounted to
hundreds of dollars rather than tens of dollars for
similiar offenses by other vehicles.  This makes sense
to the exent that cabs are a public amenity but it
also seems that the cabbies are not necessarily out of
line in asking for some return on the combination of
fees, liscenses, and high fines paid to the city by
those in their industry.

Is there readily available information on total dollar
income to the city when one considers fees, liscenses
and fines?

I understand that cab fares in Minneapolis already
rank high when compared to many other cities.  As an
individual who does not own a car and rarely uses a
cab, primarily when I have bought more groceries than
I can readily carry on the bus, I would rather fare
increase not be the only option to increase safety for
cab drivers.

David Strand
Loring Park
--- Michelle Gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Among their concerns are security equipment,
> of course, but also 
> police services to cabbies.  They told me that they
> get hassled by police 
> and ticketed for silly reasons (their term) like
> wearing sandals but when 
> they call for the cops, they take forever to show
> up.  

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