I happened to be downtown yesterday afternoon and talked with a some cabbies who are part of a leadership group that has been meeting with the city. Among their concerns are security equipment, of course, but also police services to cabbies. They told me that they get hassled by police and ticketed for silly reasons (their term) like wearing sandals but when they call for the cops, they take forever to show up. One woman talked about being robbed on the Northside. She called police (via her dispatcher) and then waited for about 40 minutes. Of course, the perps were long gone. She finally got tired of waiting (and losing livelyhood) so she drove down to the service station at Lyndale and Broadway and tried to get cops there to take a report. They refused, since she had left the scene. She then decided just to brush it off and get back to work. When I mentioned N.I. Krasnov's idea about the floor operated emergency button, they really liked it and said they had been talking about something similar. They said police would probably ignore it but other cabbies would likely come to their rescue.

When you consider that cabs make up part of the public transportation infrastructure of the area, it makes sense to me that the city would assist cabbies with their security needs. Clearly, the city sees cabs as part of the transportation system or they would not regulate this industry so heavily--everything from fares to dress code of drivers, where and how they provide services, etc. is controlled. So even though cab companies are privately owned, they are quasi-public in the same way as power companies and other necessary parts of our infrastructure. (This is the same rationale used by the feds to prop up the airlines.) Target, on the other hand, is not even close to being necessary for the functioning of this city (except, perhaps, for providing some jobs) but City Hall is happy to fill their hand every time they stick it out. Go figure.

The cabbies I spoke with told me the strike is pretty much a done deal. They said it will happen as early as first of this week. Maybe it will help the city to see how necessary cabs are to the functioning of the city, especially to tourism.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

At 11:57 AM 8/10/03 -0500, N.I. Krasnov wrote:
Please don't tell me that government can't find $1,000,000 to protect the lives of cab drivers. Both the City and State can find justifications for direct and indirect subsidies for real estate, business development, and all sorts of social programs, but not for the lives of cab drivers? One of the primary duites of government is to preserve the public peace. If there are no robberies and murders of cabbies, the police, district attorney's office, coroner, and HCMC will not have to expend any further resources and money to investigate, prosecute and recover from the damage. If saving the lives of cab drivers isn't enough justification, perhaps the stench of the money saved by preventing the crimes in the first place will convince those who need an economic incentive.

I've previously suggested a number of ways to prevent further robberies and murders of cab driver.
The Mayor and City Council should take note.

You have been so advised, be guided accordingly.

N.I. Krasnov
Loring Park

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