At 07:09 AM 9/28/03 -0700, Jason C Stone wrote:
In all fairness, I believe that someone did indeed imply that Jennings was not qualified because of his race. Please review the snippet of the post from "Batala" below. If that was not the intention of the press release, it was poorly written. My perception of this issue is that some black community leaders did begin to use race as one of the issues for disqualifying Jennings, but
that they are now backing away from that and using the other list of disqualifying factors.

From: "Batala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We are outraged and insulted by the Minneapolis School Board appointment of David Jennings as Superintendent. We strenuously object to the improper
appointment process. Further, David Jennings¹ selection is inappropriate.
Jennings is not qualified to head the Minneapolis Public Schools District, a
district that has 73.8% students of color.

I guess I read both the original post and the statement one right after the other. My perception is that the statement above relates to concerns that Jennings has held some rather dubious positions on race issues while at the legislature and that this is what they felt made him "not qualified to head the Minneapolis Public Schools District, a district that has 73.8% students of color." But I can see how someone would read each piece in isolation and derive that the group was saying that Jennings is unfit only because he's white.

You're right--that was probably a poor way for that group to lay out its arguments. It created unnecessary doubts about their rationales and agenda. Nonetheless, I still support their right to challenge this appointment based on what we now know to be their concerns.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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