I hope the list manager and members will indulge me one extra posting today since I'll be away from my computer for the most part tomorrow, dealing with a family medical issue.

Thank you, Susan Maricle, for setting up the gathering at Lucille's Kitchen today. I stopped by to get takeout and just to meet folks. The food was terrific and the company was even better. The fact that Susan drove all the way from Bruno, MN to be there makes her efforts all the more appreciated.

Lucille's was packed to the rafters and a lot of who's who among the community were there, including Carol Johnson and, of course, Annie Young, who was at our table. There was a good-sized line of folks getting take out orders. I leaned over to the owner at the counter and said "you're not really going to close down, are you?" He replied, "Naw, we're not closing." I asked him if that was the official word and he said not yet, but they were sure they could figure out how to keep things going.

Thanks again, Susan, for putting together the gathering. It was lovely to meet the folks who were there.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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