dear dyna,

reminder #2:

2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

i will try to respect the list rules...and i realize that your frustrated with the situatiuon in your neigborhood - but we're all homies - i mean get the idea.

its not cool to degrade others...even if you feel its justified.

by the way...why do you think he was released with NO charges?

aaron neumann

Dyna writes:

it's 3 am and the local pimps and prostitutes are still open for business on my corner (Ontime Delivery truck 204 was the last > customer)

I sent that message a week before Mr. Porter and his homies were busted.

I'm quite familiar with Mr. Porter's criminal proclivities, and immediately recognized his picture splashed about the media. The same Mr. Porter who claims to have been sexually assaulted had no qualms about selling drugs and promoting prostitution in front of children. It was he and his homies that kept me up past 3 am that night with their dealing and pandering in the 2500 block of 3rd Street North.

Over last weekend I overheard Mr. Porter's homies talking about the neighborhood getting too "hot", and they seemed to be getting nervous. The criminal activity tapered off over that weekend. Probably Mr. Porter and his homies suspected a bust was imminent and "cleaned house", partly explaining why police found less drugs than expected.

This is a different neighborhood since Mr. Porter and his homies were busted. Neighbors are out doing yard work, and children are free to play again. Hey, if this keeps up I'll have no excuse to leave Minneapolis, and the two empty houses next to Mr. Porter's drug house will finally sell to new families. Hopefully Mr. Porter will be more quickly sentenced to serve out his most recent felony conviction at a proper locked facility, and his homies will move on. Failing that, I'd suggest that CUAPB and Mr. Porter's other enablers keep him off our streets lest he commit further felonies whilst his allegations are properly disposed of.

enjoying another quiet night in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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