On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 12:28 AM, Dyna wrote:

This is a different neighborhood since Mr. Porter and his homies were busted. Neighbors are out doing yard work, and children are free to play again.

I spoke too soon. An hour or so later I was awoken by the same Rastaman wannabe in his white Jetta with neither muffler or front license plate that's been haunting our 'hood for months. The fact that this rolling probable cause has evaded our impound lot for so long is testimony that racial profiling is nonexistant in Minneapolis.. Two dudes hopped out and headed in the direction of Mr.Porter's drug house. A moment later they returned and lit up there crack pipes right there in the car. This morning I scared off a couple more crackheads in a red cheapy Accura just as they were firing up. Mr. Porter's homegirls with the white Explorer are parked out front at the moment, and they don't seem to be moving out.

Meanwhile, we have new revelations that Mr.Porter is an informant. Combine that with the fact that Mr.Porter has put on more than a bit of weight and has a reputation for putting things up his rearmost body cavity and we can see why Mr. Porter is probably quite desperate to cop a lie to stay out of prison. With his homies none too happy with him and CUAPB distancing themselves, Mr. Porter's sole defenders are Ron Edwards et al. Methinks even Mr. Edwards will soon tire of Mr. Porter's company, and Mr. Porter will appear at our county jail, begging to be readmitted for his own safety.

hangin' on in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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