I recall a somewhat different perspective from Mayor (then
candidate)Rybak) at two public forums that I attended.  Both times he
said that he would not support a publicly funded stadium using bonds or
levies or revenue derived primarily from Minneapolis residents but that
if the State of Minnesota wished to commit public monies for a stadium
then he hoped that it would be built in Minneapolis. 

He also stated that he thought the ideal or preferred way for stadiums
to be built is through private investment but that if the State of
Minnesota decided to move ahead with a publicly funded stadium, he
repeated his preference that the stadium be built in Minneapolis.

It needs to be said that I am a strong supporter of using the state's
bonding authority to underwrite the cost of a stadium or using a
statewide funding mechanism to build a stadium for the Twins and
Vikings. I suspect that a good number of people in the Minneapolis
Issues Forum do not share my enthusiasm for publicly funded stadiums

Perhaps I heard what I wanted to hear from candidate Rybak, but I do
recall at the time that his comments seemed pretty well received by
those in attendance (most of whom did not support publicly funded
stadiums I gathered) and that those of us who are/were stadium
proponents (clearly a minority it seemed) were cheered by the fact that
he did not dismiss STATEWIDE public financing of stadiums.  

Jim Bernstein

-----Original Message-----
Of David Shove
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak and the Stadium

Another sell out, agreed

All too common, probably more common than serving the people.

Every betrayal, every promise broken, degrades the community.

When they betray us, we have to kick them out.

So, NOW, who is going to step forward to RUN AGAINST RYBEK???

--David Shove

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I remember the Mayor saying he would  not support a publicly funded
> And I remember that, in a debate with Lisa McDonald, he used that
>     As to putting his butt on the line. Even if he is not re-elected,
he will
> have curried favor with the rich and connected. A win situation no
> what.
>     Another politician, another spin, another sell out.
>                         Margaret Hastings-Mpls-Kingfield
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