I'd like to see RT Rybak explain how he has not sold us out, here on this list. From what I read in the paper, his statements are vague enough that such an argument could be made. I'm willing to give hime one chance to do it. Otherwise, without a compelling and timely defense, I'll assume he has indeed sold us out.

I voted for Lisa McDonald in the primary and had a large yard sign for her on my hillside yard facing a busy street. When it came down to Rybak versus Sayles-Belton, well, it was clear we didn't need more of the same good old "boys" club and downtown developer pocket lining, so up went the sign for Rybak and this household voted for him. Lisa was the only major candidate who had a vision for the city.

Lisa would have my vote if she ran again, too, but I'm guessing that she probably no longer has the necessary fire in the belly to go through the immense amount of effort and trouble to do so.

Chris Johnson

Leurquin, Ronald wrote:

Maybe Lisa could come to our rescue here and run again.
She would have my vote.
Rybak wont be getting my vote.
I hope he reads this post, and I know he reads some, and posts when it suits his 

Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

-----Original Message-----
Another sell out, agreed.
All too common, probably more common than serving the people.
Every betrayal, every promise broken, degrades the community.
When they betray us, we have to kick them out.
So, NOW, who is going to step forward to RUN AGAINST RYBEK???

--David Shove

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