Reporter Scott Russell has a story on the two Minneapolis election suits
winding their way through the courts, and I wrote an editorial.  Since this
has been a hot list topic in the past, I thought some members might be

(I apologize for not having the plaintiff's settlement map online - it's in
the paper - and will try to remedy next week.)

Police-citizen interactions have also sparked tons of discussion, but we
have a perspective you don't often get: from a 16-year-old South High
student and Linden Hills resident who is, by her own description, an "au
courant racial mélange."

Her piece can be found at:

Is Southwest Minneapolis a monoculture? Jocelyn Hale muses at (We've already
received letters about this one).

News highlights:

The state's biggest unionizing drive is at Walker Methodist Health Center.
The workers - many immigrants - say it's about fairness and respect, not
money. The company says the legislature left little room to bargain and have
appeals to the federal National Labor Relations Board. The nursing home has
550 workers.

You don't often hear Minneapolis politicians wanting to emulate St. Paul,
but City Councilmember Dan Niziolek is floating the idea of making alley
maintenance a private, not city responsibility, to focus spending on city
streets. A capital idea? See:

David Brauer
Editor, SW Journal and Skyway News

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before continuing it on the list.
2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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