Rybak and Stadium
Jim Berstein is dead right that most taxpayers in Minneapolis are on record against publicly funded stadiums. If Jim remembers, the referendum on spending city money was 70-30 to require the voter's OK on such levies. That really rankled the suburbanites, but at that point, MOST of us didn't care. As to Rybak's "preference" to build it in Minneapolis, that is not Rybak reflecting the sentiments of the residents of this city. If he doubts that, let him take a referendum on THAT.

One wishes that correspondents wouldn't be so hasty to draw their conclusions. The prejudices just get too EASY to see and not at all pleasing to behold. By the way, can I assume that Anne McCandless' POV comes from past and/or present service in the police? When the papers were writing about Jordan, they mentioned that. She is pretty consistently behind the police no matter what they do, so she doesnt judge their behavior from arms-length. Being neither an abuse victim NOR an ex-cop, I tend to see all sides of these issues. If I have a bias at all, it is the anti-secrecy bias.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing; -- Nuremberg War Tribunal

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