Apparently, the Strib or PiPress reporters have counting problems. The Strib article said 250 people were there, the PiPress said 150. That's a 66% difference. Of course, it is possible that one of the reporters left before everyone got there or arrived after people started to leave. Don't know if this is what happened but undercounting of attendees at events is a perennial tactic of the media to marginalize those who show concerns and to minimize their impact.

I was not able to attend last night's meeting but others with CUAPB did. I'm told it was a very good opportunity for the community to give our pathetic excuse for a mayor and his impotent, lame-duck police chief a piece of their minds. No solutions were forthcoming from those city officials, of course. Just more of the same slick talk as always.

I just have to say how funny it is that Rybak and Co. are busily denouncing Moss/Staten/McAfee and crew as "so-called community leaders" in this current situation and in the situation surrounding Jennings. I've made no secret of my feelings toward that cabal but Rybak, Olson and Zerby just LOVED these guys when they wanted to use them to deep-six federal mediation. Where's the love now? Usurpation and co-optation make for strange bedfellows but I guess the honeymoon has to end sometime.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

At 09:24 AM 10/18/03 -0500, Shawn Lewis wrote:
I and, of course, many others attended last nights meeting
at Farview Park Community Center.

About 250 turn out for meeting on police, community
Rosalind Bentley and Terry Collins, Star Tribune
Published October 18, 2003

Posted on Sat, Oct. 18, 2003
MINNEAPOLIS: Residents vent at mayor, chief
Pioneer Press
Mayor R.T. Rybak and Police Chief Robert Olson
spoke briefly at the start of the meeting at
Farview Park and then sat at the front of the room
to respond to questions from a gathering of
approximately 150 people.

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