On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, at 08:56 PM, Tamir Nolley wrote:

Dyna I'm making this statement based on the statements
you (and some others) have made regarding certain
candidates, and the fact that you (and many others)
have never ONCE been critical of police behavior.

Go back and read the archives- I was quite critical of MPDs strategy in the ISAG conference protests and the first hockey riot for a start.

I have personally had the snot kicked out of me while
doing nothing more illegal than waiting to pick up a
customer in my taxicab.  I have friends (I'll admit
few) who are cops in other cities, and yet have NEVER
had a positive experience with a Minneapolis cop.

And I've met Chicago cops who think the Wisconsin State Patrol came down on them too heavy for speeding, and vice versa.

That you have never had a negative experience leads me
to believe that you (and many other paranoid block
club folks) support police brutality and will tolerate
racist (whether right or wrong...and I can't figure
out how it's right) behavior by police as long as it
makes you feel safe

I have been harassed by police before. I am not a block club member, and thusly have no involvement in that "conspiracy". One of the reasons I abhor police brutality is the chilling effect it has on police-community relations and with it policing effectiveness.

You spicifically accused CUAPB of coddling criminals,
those are your words.  Are you now retracting them?
If so it's nice to see that you're begining to

CUAPB's latest poster boy, Mr.Porter, has been fairly convicted of no less than 6 (six) felonies. He thusly clearly meets the definition of "criminal" and then some.

I'f I'm not mistaken there are medical records, and
the officer accused has pryor misconduct accusations
on has records.  Even your favorite guy, Chief Olson,
felt it was serious enough to call the feds in.  That
is unprecedented in recent history.

Said "medical records" have yet to be released, and for that matter they may not even exist. The rumored "evidence of soreness and bleeding" may be due to a severe hemeroid infestation, Mr. Porter's own use of his rearmost body cavity for drug storage, or who knows what else he may have done to said body cavity. BTW, I'm no fan of Chief Olson.

Well, at least you're agreeing that cops do mess up.
There are many people who whisper under there breath
that cops should be allowed to do whatever they want.

And cabdrivers mess up at times do. And so does every other craft. BTW, I could tell some pretty good true stories of bad cab driving, but not all cabbies are bad drivers.

yeah, but I can read clearly the "so what if it did
happen" attitude in your post.  By this logic, why
should we believe rape victims, or children who talk
about being abused.  His criminal record is really
irrelevent here.  The issue everyone is dancing around
is this question:

Mr. Porter's long criminal history is relevant because this latest bust had the potential of putting him in prison for a decade or so. Faking a "police brutality" claim had the potential of getting him off that hook.

Is law enforcement capable of solving the problem of
drug addiction by breaking heads open and throwing
addicted people in overcrowded jails?


 Or is this
something better done by health care profeesionals and
responsible community members.


If you believe that drugs should be reigned in by law
enforcement and by any means nessecary (including
violent and sometimes deadly force) then my argument

Yes, but Mr.Porter sold drugs and committed various and sundry other felonies. Your argument is thus inapplicable to Mr. Porter.

 You support police brutality and you do so
for predjudice (or biased)reasons.

Mr. Nalley, that is a bald faced lie; and I expect a prompt retraction.

TN: no it's the truth.  Since when does anyone who
believes in conspiracies believe in the Ashcroft
justice department.  This is just a sick and sad
irony, and those of you who quietly support police
brutality (becuase it makes you feel safe) brought us
to this point.

Well, many of the paranoid conspiracy theorists of the far right seem to be quite enamored with Mr. Ashcroft. I am not.

 These sort of comments make me really angry. I'm
for angrier at these attitudes from residents than I
am at the police.  But I suppose I'm "young and
idealistic," and I continualiy am told when I spout
off like this.

No comment needed.

Not living in Minneapolis like the majority of the
cops here, I rest my case, although I will never stop
telling as I see it about the terrible behavior of
Rich Stanek's suburban occupation force known as the
Minneapolis Police Department.

I and Mr. Stanek agree on little, but he has little control over MPD.

hanging on in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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