Dyna, I feel your pain.

Having thugs live on your block is no fun. Over the 11
years we lived in Folwell, we were regularly sleep
deprived by a parade of next-door tenants who
conducted screaming matches until 3 a.m. Complaints to
the tenants were to no avail; complaints to the
landlord (who lived in Minnetonka) always resulted in
“They pay their rent on time;” and apparently no one
on the block but us was bothered by the noise. I never
wished them ill will, but instead felt bad for them,
especially the children. One of the mothers, I
suspect, was bipolar; she could be nice as pie one
day, totally evil another.

But. Most of the people on the block were good people.
The problem arises when police see all residents of a
particular neighborhood (or race) as thugs. Not all
police do it. But enough do to justify the anger that
Tamir is feeling. Dyna, are there ANY neighbors on
your block with whom you can band together? Maybe
there are, but unfortunately maybe there aren’t.
According to the Jordan article in Sunday’s Strib, it
sounds like even our Dennis Plante is having second

Wishing some east central Minnesota serenity upon
Susan Maricle
Bruno MN

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