I bet you expected this was going to be another post about the Jennings 

This town needs an enema is the title of a one-shot zine of zine reviews 
published in 1998, which includes a review of my second pamphlet, Separate but 
Equal.  That fab review will grace the cover of a new pamphlet that should be in 
print within the next few day: Flight from Equality: School reform in the US 
since 1983.

A review of Separate But Equal? 
This pamphlet by Douglas Mann documents with frighteningly straightforward 
detail a series of events that he calls "the resegregation of the Minneapolis 
Public Schools," and the tacit conspiracy between the media, the city council, 
and the school board to stonewall or discredit those who refuse to cooperate. 
Most chilling is the analysis of ‘tracking’ or grouping kids into groups of 
basically ‘stupid,’ ‘normal,’ and smart;’ which gives the individual student 
label that he or she is unlikely to ever escape...-- from This Town Needs an 
Enema (April 1998), a one-shot review of zines by Paul T. Olsen.

-Doug Mann, King Field
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